Friday, October 22, 2010

off the hook

Well, this is the conclusion of the most boring week of my life.  Strapped for cash and behind on studying, I stayed in every night. Well, except last night. Last night I went out for hookah and tea with Nicole and Siomha and a bunch of UCD-ND kids.  Even though I stayed in a lot this week, I am a PRO at wasting time. I did not do very much homework at all.  Partially because I had rehearsal every night, but partially because I simply slept more often, cleaned my room more often, sent very very long emails, and skyped people from home.

Well done Clare.

Good news, I'm not getting kicked out of Trinity! And I don't have to pay a crazy fine! At around 10:15 this morning, Siomha and I got all dressed up and conservative and made our way over to the Junior Dean's office for our meeting to discuss the "incident" that occurred on "the night of October 14th and morning of October 15th." We left at 10:15 because we weren't quite sure where the Junior Dean's office was, and we didn't want to show up late. After we stepped outside, however, we remembered that we are located in Front Square, central to everything. The Junior Dean's office was in the building right across from us. Which meant we were a half an hour early for our 10:45 appt. So, we dawdled as much as we could, then walked into the Junior Dean's office around 10:27. The woman at the front desk was like "Well, um, you're a bit early. There's a 10:30 group before you and they aren't even here yet." But turns out the dean was able to see us early (lucky, since Siomha had class at 11). The meeting lasted about 3 minutes. We got off with a warning. But if we ever do it again, the fine will be about £250......AHHHH.

That's literally all the news I have right now. Maybe I'll do something interesting this weekend. Or... maybe not. My MOMMA is coming in 9 days! Rejoice!

Clare Mairead

p.s. What should I be for Halloween?  I'm open to any and all suggestions. 

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